Rates Declaration 2023/24

NOTICE is given that at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 June 2023, for the financial year ending 30 June 2024, the Council resolved:

Adoption of Valuation

To adopt the most recent capital valuations provided by the Valuer General, totaling $6,900,861,120 for rating purposes.

Declaration of Differential General Rates

To declare differential general rates of:

  • 0.3279 cents in the dollar on rateable land of Category (a) (Residential) and Category (i) (Other)
  • 0.4262 cents in the dollar on rateable land of Category (b) (Commercial-Shop), Category (c) (Commercial-Office) and Category (d) (Commercial-Other)
  • 0.3770 cents in the dollar of rateable land of Category (e) (Industry – Light) and Category (f) (Industry-Other)
  • 0.2951 cents in the dollar of rateable land of Category (g) (Primary Production)
  • 0.4918 cents in the dollar of rateable land of Category (h) (Vacant Land)

Fixed Charge

To impose a fixed charge of $479 on each separate piece of rateable land.

Separate Rate – RL Levy

To declare the separate rate of 0.010102022 cents in the dollar on all rateable land in the area of the Hills and Fleurieu Regional Landscape Board.

Rate Capping - Residential

To cap general rates for residential properties that are the ratepayer’s principal place of residence, at 15% more than the general rate payable for the 2022/23 general rate payable except that this will not apply where:

  • the property has been acquired by the ratepayer or has become their principal place of residence after 1 January 2022; or
  • the increase in general rates is due in whole or in part to an increase in valuation of the property attributable to improvements.

Payment of Rates

Rates are payable in a single instalment due on the 7 September 2023; or by quarterly instalments due on 7 September 2023, 7 December 2023, 7 March 2024 and 7 June 2024.