Environment and Sustainability

The City of Victor Harbor council area is home to many wonderful assets such as Rosetta Head (The Bluff), Granite Island and the Little
Penguin colony, Hindmarsh Falls, Glacier Rock, Inman and Hindmarsh Rivers. The natural environment, including the coastal and marine areas, rivers, natural vegetation, clean air and mild climate are all identified as things that make Victor Harbor a great place to live.

Our planning aims to preserve all of the things we value about our environment, at the same time as putting measures in place to address the challenges that face us in the future. Urban growth will place pressure on the natural environment, as well as the general landscape and built form character.

Climate change is forecast to impact on our future climate with warmer and drier conditions, more frequent extreme weather events, and higher sea levels. A better understanding of both climate variability and climate change will mean the community can better manage the adverse impacts and take advantage of any opportunities that arise.

The Council has a number of plans, projects and programs that guide its work to protect the environment and respond to the impacts of climate change. These activities are outlined within this section of our website.