
There are a number of great reasons to keep chickens including supply of fresh eggs, benefits to your garden and reducing waste by feeding them your vegetable scraps.

Do I need approval from Council to have chickens?

The City of Victor Harbor currently has no limit on the number of chickens that can be kept on one property. However, it is strongly advised that roosters are not kept in built up residential areas as they can be very noisy.

Keeping chickens should not create excessive noise, smell or vermin activity. Under the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016 it is an offence to cause a nuisance by way of noise, odour or attracting vermin, and it is Council’s duty under the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 to identify risks to public health within its area. Insanitary conditions can pose a risk to public health and keeping chickens in an unsanitary state is an offence.

Things to consider before you get chickens

If you are thinking about keeping chickens at your property there are a number of things you should consider.
  • As a general rule, chickens require at least one square metre per bird to run around.
  • The coop should be positioned away from water runoff and ensure good drainage. Water running into coops can wet litter and dampen feed which will encourage rodent activity and attract the red mite (kills chickens).
  • Keep the chickens at least one (1) metre away from boundary fences to avoid annoying neighbours with smell, noise or vermin issues.
  • Keep the area clean and sanitary. Regularly clean the coop and pick up left over kitchen scraps to avoid attracting vermin. Replace water often to avoid mosquitoes breeding.
  • Chickens need protection from the weather, wind, rain, heat and prolonged dampness so consider supplying a roof to the coop or some other form of shelter.


Council will investigate any formal complaint made in relation to chickens causing nuisance noise, excessive odour or attracting rats, mice or insects.
You can make a formal complaint by outlining your concerns in writing providing it to Council via:
  • email to
  • post to PO Box 11, Victor Harbor, or
  • hand deliver a letter to the Civic Centre at 1 Bay Road, Victor Harbor.
Council will then investigate the complaint and take the appropriate actions which may include requesting clean-up work at the property or a change of living conditions for the chickens.

More information

For more information contact the City of Victor Harbor’s Public Safety and Regulation team at 8551 0500 or email
You can also download the information on this webpage in a fact sheet.