Hindmarsh Road Shared Path

A new off-road path improving safety for pedestrians, cyclists and other travellers along Hindmarsh Road.

In 2022, the City of Victor Harbor constructed an off-road shared path along Hindmarsh Road, which benefits users of the Encounter Bikeway as well as motorists.

The Encounter Bikeway, which runs along the coast between The Bluff and Goolwa, is one of the most well-known and regularly used trails on the Fleurieu Peninsula. Ongoing improvements are essential to ensure it can continue to be safely enjoyed by residents and visitors alike.

What did the project involve?

The project involved constructing a 3.5m wide shared path along Hindmarsh Road from Bond Avenue to Grantley Avenue. The dedicated off-road path distances bikeway users from motor vehicles, improving safety and enjoyment.

Other features involved in the project included:

  • Upgraded disability compliant pedestrian crossing at Bridge Terrace railway crossing
  • New disability compliant pedestrian crossing at Grantley Avenue railway crossing
  • Pedestrian refuge across Bridge Terrace
  • Connection to existing Encounter Bikeway off-road shared path at Grantley Avenue
  • Connection to Hindmarsh Road crossing towards the Primary School.

Project budget

The total budget for this project was $300,000 which was 50% funded by the City of Victor Harbor and 50% funded by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport’s State Bicycle Fund.

The State Bicycle Fund provides contribution towards projects that improve conditions for bicycle riders. The Fund has a focus on projects that support the State Government’s strategic objectives, develop cycling networks and improve connectivity to major trip generators.


Hindmarsh Road Shared Path before image


Hindmarsh Road Shared Path after image

Hindmarsh Road Shared Path landscapeHindmarsh Road Shared Path landscape 2